אוקטובר 21רחוב Change Of Pricing And Bandwidth For Different Packages
We have some updates from the SymbolHost Managment and Policy Maker for you. We have already sent emails to all existing clients regarding change of pricing and compensatory increase in bandwidth for our differnet yearly shared hosting plans. There is an update to the pricing now. We have changed the pricing for our newbie, starter and ... לקריאה נוספת »
מרץ 30חמ Update SPF Records
To improve the email deliveriblity, we have recently configured a new IP for emails that will be used for emails only. If you have created a custom email in your hosting and you are using it, you must update spf record otherwise there are high possibility that your emails will land in spam folder. FOR THOSE USING SYMBOLHOST NAMESERVERS: If you ... לקריאה נוספת »