There is vulnerability in file manager wordpress plugin and millions of sites are hacked due to it.
Many of our clients would be affected too.
We usually clean hacked wordpress sites for our clients if they have few sites in the cpanel. This is totally opposite to the hosting company all over the world.
Not any single hosting company cleans hacked wordpress sites for clients but we do.
But this time the clients who are affected due to this plugin would have to fix/clean their sites themselves as it takes too much time to fix the sites and there are too many people affected too.
For this reason, any support ticket or request to clean the hacked site would not be entertained as it is not under the domain of hosting support from any angle and you are responsible for your own sites.
If, you don't know how to fix hacked wordpress site, you should hire someone or search in google and youtube and you will find hundreds of guides that will help you clean your sites.
If you want to know in detail about this vulnerability you should read this guide:
П’ятниця, Вересень 4, 2020